Accounting in the Republic of Armenia is carried out on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and International Accounting Standards.
Complete and combined accounting services in Armenia
Examining the part of the legislative changes in the Republic of Armenia that is closely related to Accounting, such as tax legislation, customs legislation, etc., we can state that professional accountants in Armenia and many other financial professionals must be constantly trained to follow these processes, if they wish to avoid many issues which occur during work. The fact is that the constant regulation and legislative reforms take place so frequently that sometimes even the most skilled professionals can be confused over which regulation is still in force and which is not.

It is easier to avoid such complications if you work with experienced accounting outsourcing organizations such as Tower. Outsourcing organizations, dealing with those issues and legislation and being constantly at the center of events, adapt very quickly to external changes and respond very quickly to those changes. Reliability and impeccable performance are the key factors that will make you turn to accounting firms.
Advantages of partnership with accounting professionals in Armenia
Another advantage of outsourcing is that it is more financially advantageous to work with such organizations than to hire in house professionals. The problem is that you may be reluctant to hire both accountants and lawyers, taking into consideration the fact that you may not need them every day, but at regular intervals. In this case, you will have to pay your employees even if they are not actually working at the moment.