Тhe hi-tech industry is the fastest growing economic industry in Armenia. Last year, the turnover of Armenian tech/IT companies increased to ~$ 400 million, or by 20 percent. In 2020, also the number of employees in this industry increase by 22%
According to the ArmBanks research, the loan capacity of 17 Armenian banks has grown by 5.7% during the last 2 quarters of 2020, reaching 3.770.5 trillion AMD
Official statistics states – there are 68 500 small and medium-size businesses currently operating in Armenia, and their number has not increased compared to last year mainly because of the COVID-19 pandemic impact
From January 2020 Armenian switched to a flat income tax rate that sets income tax at 23% for each RA citizen regardless of their income size and will continue to decrease to 20% by 2023